Virtually Safe - Safety training in VR

Safe & portable training in a virtual environment.

Vestdavit is a Bergen, Norway based producer of davit cranes with clients within commercial fleets and coast guards throghout the world.

Our Virtual Reality solution for Vestdavit is a simulator of their Davit crane TDB-5000.

In the simulator the user is trained in crane operation and the correct procedure for lowering and retrieving a lifeboat / rib.

The goal is that crane operators should be well accustomed to controlling the crane and how the crane operates under different weather scenarios prior to using the real crane at sea.

The solution uses a proprietary network protocol to communicate with a real crane controller to make the training as realistic as possible and to also train muscle memory.

In a portable package the solution offers training in complicated operations, safe ways to experience unwanted scenarios and an immersive and true to life way to experience crane handling.





Target Audience
Crane Operators

Virtual Reality