Animation for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean

Animation for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean

A compelling 3D-animation for a leading provider in the RoRo- and Breakbulk-segment.

We have worked with our friends in Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean for a long time, and our latest bigger project together is a 3D-animation that tells the story of their offering to the market within the RoRo- and Breakbulk-segment.

The animation also shows off WWOs new look, with vessels and equipment donning brand new colours.

All the equipment, cargo as well as the RoRo-vessel is 3D-modelled by us prior to starting the animation process. These models are also found on WWOs new website as well as in other marketing material.



Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean


Target Audience
Manufacturers & Exporters


3D modelling



Educational experiences - the new Hardanger Aqua Center

Learn about fish farming in the picturesque Hardangerfjord

Hardanger Akvasenter is a new exhibit and experience located in Øystese, Norway which is open to the public. Connected to Norwegian salmon producer Lingalaks’ viewing concession for salmon in the picturesque Hardangerfjord, the center is around 100 square meters and consists of 9 individual stations containing films, animations, physical exhibits and interactive experiences.

The center aims to tell a sober and science-based tale of raising salmon in the Hardangerfjord, based on local history and geography and to not shy away from the difficulties and challenges that still face the industry. The entire exhibit is bilingual, with content presented in both Norwegian and English.

Mount Visual has developed the center and all related content together with designers from our friends in Haltenbanken and Tønder and the feedback has been very positive.

The children love the interactive salmon wall, and adults enjoy the interactive scale-model of the Hardangerfjord.

If you happen to be in the area, stop by and check it out!




Aqua Culture

Target Audience
General Audience


Exhibition design
Film production
Game development
Interactive experiences






A holistic experience: Big Blue


Big Blue is a joint venture between salmon farmer Lerøy Vest and Museum Vest in Bergen, Norway.

The background for the project is that Lerøy Vest was granted a viewing concession connected to aqua culture on salmon, trout and rainbow trout. As a viewing concession this one is unique, for the first time also including the production of algae and mussels through the project Ocean Forest.

Big Blue contains development of a fact- and knowledge-based exhibition on aqua culture with a bigger picture perspective, looking a biology, sustainability and technology. The exhibition is both physical and digital and is designed to a be a truly immersive experience for its audience. In Mount Visual, we had the pleasure of working on about 20 animations, or roughly 60 minutes of animated content for the exhibition together with our friends in design agency Haltenbanken.


Big Blue opened its doors, June 15th 2020.


Lerøy / Museum Vest

Fish farming

Target audience
General Audience




The cover of Science Magazine!

Birkeland Centre for Space Science on the cover of Science Magazine with our illustration!

Science is one of the most recognized scientific journals in the natural sciences. There is intense competition among researchers from all over the world to have their scientific results published. Of more than 30.000 submitted papers each year, only around 2.700 are published in Science. Promotion on the cover page is even more prestigious; Each week the Chief Editor of Science chooses only one scientific result that he would like to promote on the cover page of the printed journal.

We are incredibly happy that our client, Birkeland Centre for Space Science are experiencing a high degree of interest for their research on gamma rays resulting from ligthning flashes and that our visualization of the phenomena can contribute to better science-based communication!

You can read more about the phenomena and the science behind it at Science Magazine.


Birkeland Centre for Space Science


Target Audience 
Generelal Population


The Birkeland Centre for Space Science - Animation

Visualizing the research that answers why northern lights and southern lights almost always appear different.

In recently published research, scientists from the Birkeland Centre of Space Science at the University of Bergen can finally provide answers on how assymetries between northern lights and southern lights are formed, and also how they disappear.

The answers behind these phenomena are both surprising and a ‘big deal’ in terms of how we understand Geospace and the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

We had a great experience working with the scientists at BCSS, first to truly understand the phenomena and the science and second to use our skills to convey these largely invisible forces visually in a way that would make sense to both fellow scientists and the population at large.

The press release with the publications and the animation have been picked up by more than 30 media outlets, you can visit The University of Bergen, ScienceCodex, American Geophysical Union or Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet to learn more.


BCSS / Uib


Target Audience
The public



Human Innovation - Film production

DesignArena becomes Human Innovation

With our good friends in Haltenbanken we were given the task of producing a little film to celebrate the change.

The film tells the story of the challenges we face as a society, how the cluster will work to solve these challenges as well as showing examples of existing solutions from the member companies.

Archive footage is mixed with hand drawn animation to give the film a human touch and playful feel. The film premiered at Bergen Design festival 2017.

If you want to learn more about the changes in DesignArena you can follow this link in Norwegian.


A big thanks to Øyvind Vie Berg in Kremlyd for great music, as well as to Myrna Braza & TomTom for engaging voiceover work.


DesignArena / Human Innovation


Target Audience
Politicians, designers, commerce

Film production

Petroleum GeoServices - Selected Works

Our relationship with PGS spans over several projects seen and heard all over the world.

We have worked on marketing the new Ramform-vessels both to investors and the market, with the technical details related to the seismic streamer GeoStreamer for both communication campaigns and expos, as well as marketing specific seismic surveys such as the Triton-project in the GoM.

The common theme across all the projects we have done together is a highly technical message presented to a very knowledgeable audience meant to inform, impress and persuade.


Petroleum Geo-Services

Marine Seismic

Target Audience
Exploration Companies (O&G)

Marketing Campaigns
Communication Concepts